It was totally a pathetic day for me. During my tenth days at work, someone tried to PAKAT me because I wasn’t using hand rail when I was carrying a heavy stuff. This dude totally brainless and doesn’t think at ALL! This fucker thinks that I am made of superman. How the hell I suppose to use one hand carrying the heavy stuff walking up to first floor? Isn’t this going to be more dangerous and unsafe way of carrying any heavy objects? I almost quarrel with this asshole after my friend told me to take this as a joke and just forget it.
Okay, I had done that. But still, I really felt so angry at those people working in oil & gas industries these days are so abusing using PAKAT system. I can doubt that less than 20% of the employees in Brunei understand these systems. Why? They can simply PAKAT everyone or anything without knowing if they are actually working unsafely or not. The worst are sometimes doesn’t even involved about safety and just made up nonsense that you made mistake in your work.
I don’t really like how this PAKAT system going because this could even leads you getting fired from your jobs or quarrels with your colleagues in the companies as it might destroy your relationship with bosses around you. If you received the PAKAT from someone who suddenly nail behind your back, you can either sign it or choose not to sign. It’s your own choice to admit if it’s true or just false accusations. But you have to go to your head office and explain details why you disagree. All I can say it 100% won’t goes well for all. I know safety is very important and bring awareness to the surrounding. But I simply don’t like it a bit about this until now no one bother to understand the details of why it was not safety.
If you don’t know what it means, I myself have little knowledge about the PAKAT origin since I don’t work HSE (Health and Safety Executive). As far I know, it was like a daily safety programs require for every employee who working onsite or in the office to write about the unsafe incident reports encounter by them. It is a common standard safety management system (SMS) for oil & gas industries around the world.
Another stupid thing happen also calling to 121 Telbru centre in the afternoon. I was so mad at the male operator talking nonsense to me that if your speed is lower than 512kbps. I shouldn’t complain unless its lower 300kbps. I was like what? Is this idiot making fun of me? I was totally mad about it after the above incident and fire at him without second thought that I won’t accept such answer coming from him. The question to him is what residential plan are we paying for right now? 512kbps speed every month or fucking lower? I want him to show me the policy. If there are such cases coming from Telbru, I will definitely post it to Brudirect or direct to their bosses of such employees behavior in the phone. For now, I will continue to see how its going.
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