25 September, 2009

Play-Asia.com September Order 2009

I haven’t brought anything from Play-Asia.com quite a while. After they start summer deal promoting for Visa card holder, getting another 20% off from the bargain toys section anyone simply should missed out. I manage to get two Final Fantasy creatures (Phoenix and Gilgamesh) figures and two Shana trading figures for very good price. Wasn’t actually suppose to get the trading figures but the FF creature for Shiva is finished so I need to get another items to get free shipping.

Anyhow, simply too bad I didn’t manage to get Shana! I have to say the Bandai made trading figures is not bad and has a good quality.


  1. Any bigger / clearer pictures for the Final Fantasy Master Creatures?

  2. Hmmm... not yet decide to open up for photos yet. I havent build my own photo booth yet.


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