It really took quite a while from FedEx to send over my Kingston VIP gift after they asked for my IC number last week. I have no idea why it took so long in the custom. Who knows, probably someone who made a fortune comes up with an idea trying to send the pirated copy DVD or VCD using FedEx express to pass through the security or something.
Well, luckily they just send over by this morning. It was a good timing and now I can relax a bit putting more programs without worried much on the capacity problem.
For your information, the gift send from Kingston Technology Company is Kingston DataTraveler G2 (4GB) USB thumb drive. How do I get this free stuff? Well, just head over to Kingston Blog and join their members for free. Earn KB point by posting any of your (MUST) Kingston related questions, picture of the products you purchase in any local computer outlets and post reviews or news etc. The KB point you earn can use for exchange for free prizes. Nice isn’t?
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