29 March, 2008

Saturday Fever - March 2008

I just read the local news today about the anti-piracy watch article at Brudirect.com. My country has been selling pirated stuffs almost more than ten years by now. Now they are still talking about copyrights for so many years that never once seeing them taking any real actions against the music and movies shop selling them in the public. Well, no one will buy the original if the movies and music are selling so expensive. Our local online QQestore do talks about the people looking for genuine products, I am one of them and Vista is in my list. But I am afraid will not buy in Brunei as they are selling too expensive, unless they pull the price down maybe I will reconsider it. For now, I am waiting for my original C&C 3 Kane Wrath expansion limited edition and DOW 40k expansion from Singapore. Damn I can’t wait to play the Red Alert 3 Beta!!!


I also went to the car workshop to check my car. It just happen again my car got fuck up on the brake and I’m going to send it over tomorrow morning to fix it if there is necessary replacement needed. I was told to be going to folk out B$180.00+ just for the new part, FUCK!!! I told the guy I’m going for the second hand instead. Whenever I wanted to get something change this year, it just always had to turn out so BAD! Thanks to my sister fuck up my car. She is going to pay for half and I don’t care.


My mom is also starting to become disturbing, she likes expecting me to buy her a new DVD player this year. It seem like she doesn’t how bad my current financial are like these days (Otaku, hehe…). This is the reason why I do not have any chance to get out of the country and join any tour all these EIGHT years! I simply starting not going to give what she want these days, she is becoming spoil and spend too much on unnecessary things that shouldn’t buy in the first place. I have to stop her.


Anyway, for the latest blog update. Xia Xue wrote a good article going to Langkawi recently. My cousin also went there last month and he loves it. Lampe Berger Help also got a few latest update posts. Its worth to check it out if you are curious about the DCHL pyramids (SCAM @_@) program. Those of you who used Google blogspot, Download Squad got a very good articles guide and teach you how to make you blog look professional and tidy! Check it out!


For the local site, Brunei Kitani is offering a free registration on for setting up your own local blog. The blog is using Wordpress, and I’m not sure if they allowed you to put up any advertisements but you can check with them if you are interested. According to Brunei FM, they said Brunei Kitani is the first local blog offer email and blog. But to me it’s they are not the first one who done this. I already forget the name of the previous one I apply before. However, I have to admit the previous they didn’t offer free email. What’s the point having one if you already had one? Grab it while it’s still available.

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