I just read the full news on Saturday BB last weeks. They finally responded about my earlier post about the public complained the fire fighter were late for one hour. Here’s the response:
On web site reports of late arrival of fire fighter during the KB fire that killed seven people, Assistant Director of Operation Awang Shabandi bin Hj Halim said: "We received the call at 3.51am from a policeman using a mobile phone. The KB fire station responded to the call and arrived at the scene within three minutes. The account of the fire happened one hour before the Fire and Rescue team arrived is not true. The time of the emergency call was recorded in a device."
Well, not sure if they are referring to my blog. >_>;;; But are you satisfied with their answer? My concern is not the emergency call. Phone call and arrival time is totally a different story to me. Only the witnesses at the scene know the answer very well. Since I was not there, I do not want to accuse the fire department are lying and admit that really happen on that night. Like I said earlier in my previous post, many of them told me they only see the fire fighters from Seria. I also watch the video someone who record it down before the fire started not long ago and neither do I see any fighter were arrived within three minutes after watching that clips.
Please note that this video was record by someone else I do not know and I did not get it because I do not want to get into any trouble. I’m sure this video has been passing around using Bluetooth phone. However, somebody actually dare to upload it to Youtube and that guy even said “Satu saja, Bomba? Bodoh!” (Only one fire bombo? Stupid!) So, are they from the KB or Seria fire department? I do not know either.
Here's the video from Youtube.com:
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