The whole Brunei internet was down last week starting on Wednesday. It really suck I have to say. No explanations of what are the causes of this and Telbru service call centre were not even bother picking up the phone. How fuck up company is this anyway? It was very terrible experience for me trying hard to get my customers email out to the country as the Brunet email server also down with without any explanations. This is the worst we ever face. No email, no internet. How can the companies survived with it and not to mention money loss or damaged due to this asshole sucker messing this up. The dialup or the 3G mobile didn’t help much either.
I do know some rumors and stories behind about the happening. But I not am going to disclose this as for safety reason, better to say maybe false rumors. What I do know, this time Brunet is the one to be blame for all this mess. I do not know why they didn’t have any counter measure backup of this incident.
Telbru also need to be blame. Firstly, those idiots who work there did not even pick up the calls. Ok, this is the managements doing. Which I believe they have already plan this might happen. That was not a really good sign for a today private company doing this. Ok again, the only internet service provider who can do whatever they want, so anyone will expect this will happen.
Secondly, they didn’t announce the internet down on the next days and just post it into the newspapers today saying some sort of system glitches. Bullshit. Don’t you find this so insulting and no respects to its customers of telling us what’s happening for so many days even if they are not at fault? They are supposed to be good at this, but somehow this time they decided not to do it. Disappointed! Although I do received few customers saying their internet is still not up yet, however Telbru is not picking up the phone according to them. Again disappointed. Well, I’m going to deal with that tomorrow.
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