Finally! At last I got my processor from the capital. I should be getting it tomorrow and do some cleaning on my table. For now, I am concentrating looking for latest drivers and update the Autopatcher for Vista to the latest for fast setup on Sunday.
The first problem I am facing is the Asus P5Q Pro motherboard I brought from my friend shop. The Realtek audio is somehow quite different model and is using ALC1200 which is not even listed on the website. I am wondering if the new drivers R2.09 might even worked with it since it was not listed. Anyway, I will download the original drivers from Asus in case it fails. If any of you reading this and using Asus board similar to mine. Let me know if the new drivers work. I’m going too tried out the Readltek 3D Soundback too.
Secondly, I look for the new chipset drivers from official Intel website. It comes to my surprise that Intel has removed it from their support download. I wonder why? Well, it seems like I have to depend on Asus support download again.
Lastly, not quite exactly, but just the remaining Asus utilities require to be used in Vista. I couldn’t wait to try it out. The only thing I am new to Asus stuffs is the ExpressGate. I found the latest update from the website dated 26th September and it weight around 170MB. Man, I think I need to read the manual for full instructions.
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