27 July, 2007

Hidden Boot Screen in Vista?

I haven't owned any Vista, yet! But if any of you who are interested looking for some hidden treasures in Window Vista, then you are getting one now name 'Aurora' boot screen. Thanks to @shish from Coolwizardz.com for the tips!

The Windows Vista BootScreen is pointless, but Microsoft decided to hide a more visually appealing boot screen that can easily be enabled with very little trouble. I’m not sure why they didn’t make the boot screen better.”

*How to make it available*

1. Type msconfig into the start menu search box, and hit enter…
2. Once the System Configuration tool loads , click on the Boot tab
3. Under Boot Options check “No GUI boot” .
4. Click apply and then OK and restart your computer to see the new boot screen.

“Note: You may get a Windows Defender error on the next startup. You can enable the system config utility using the tray icon and this error will go away.

Enjoy!!! :)


  1. hey me @shish .. thnx for the linkback .. i appreciate your work .. can u plz tell me from where i can get these good blogger themes ..

    see my other blogs too .. :)

    1. Techno Blog - http://coolwizardz.blogspot.com/

    2. Tutorials, Tips n Tricks - http://cooltipsntricks.blogspot.com/


  2. Hey! For Blogspot. You can get the themes at http://www.blogcrowds.com/. Tons of them but some bugs you have to look out!


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