07 December, 2010

No Holiday Toy Sales?

HLJ is not actually doing holiday sales for Brunei. Even though there are 50% off on Fed-Ex, but it doesn’t include Brunei Darussalam. That was the saddest thing seeing this to go. There always be a last minute sales and I hope for a nice one especially on the shipping. Nope 20% is not enough!

I also can see that the HK toy stores are not making any moves on the sales or offering free gifts right now like last year. It’s weird to find this, my guess probably thinking because of the US exchange rate issue. Damn these shop owners are not thinking bright enough that they can earn much more compared to Japanese store, don’t you think? You can say I’m wrong but just take a look at HLJ. How aggressive they are promoting sales almost every month. Even now most of the Gundam plastic kits on sales are still plenty in stock and very slow clearing out. Good or bad sign is hard to say. Probably most people are like me, holding off and wait for much better to come.

Well, not entirely. Of course I already making purchase this and that after receiving my new credit card last week and get approved for reapplying PayPal. Totally went nuts ordering Transformers and KO MG 1/100 Strike E (for project) toys just in one day over B$500.00. Luckily I got temporary card limit increase to cover that up because I even over spend during my Soon Lee shopping. What a crazy month I have to say.

One more thing, I got a US$7 ($50 or more) off and US$12 ($100 or more) off free coupons for Play-Asia.com. This year, I’m not going to buy anything there. Anyone who wants it can find in this post. Good luck with your holiday shopping!



  1. Yeah, fuck HLJ for never include Brunei for that FedEx 50% discount on shipment.... fucking fuck... I already complained to them actually... they tot Brunei don't have FedEx meh? chibai....

    Nonetheless HLJ did actually have this Winter Warm Up sales but I'm not sure if that is good enough for you, I did found 1 or 2 nice stuff but not much to talk about really...

    I guess most of the shop are trying to save cost as well for the uncertainty they might face next year.... sigh....

    by the way, be careful with credit cards, its a double edged sword LOL.... spend with care... cheers man...

  2. What? Seriously they don't know Brunei have Fed Ex? Maybe because Fed Ex did not list Brunei on their location maps I believe. Unless they type in Fed Ex Brunei on the search.

    As for the warm up sales, there are some I wanted to get. It just I'm too picky about the sipping. damn them not including Brunei. No matter, i still waiting for more last minute sales.

  3. I dont know about the Credit card issue. My last swap was only in Soon Lee and never used on the internet except through Paypal payment.


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