05 April, 2010

April 2010 - Weekend #1

Sunday is always boring day for me. The only things I could do on that hours both watching movies or anime and even sleeping the whole day. It makes me so lazy and I don’t know why. But luckily I think about building my Gunpla and yes, working on MG Blue Frame 2nd revise. It was already half building it and the painting will starts this weekend, hopefully.

I have to say it’s a nightmare working on these new kits. I made a lot of mistake and even broke the hips so badly unable to fix it. Since I got three last year, I will use the next parts to continue my work. Truly very sad that I have to find ideas to modify it no matter how I look at it. Damn, the Bandai kits making the plastic weaker which contains many holes these days.

Without wasting too much my time thinking the stupid Gundam things, I went to Soon Lee to stock up on my daily foods and doing some window shopping on a small toy shop. To my surprise, I finally able to get the sword stand for my GFF Shin Musha. I nearly didn’t know they sold separately while I was checking out the bundle steel swords with stand. It was all black without any gold color in the flower emblem. But it was okay since it sold it for B$0.80 each and I can do some coloring if I wanted too.

After finished shopping, went back home and starts hitting Command & Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight PC game. I just got it yesterday from the post office and this will be the last DVD game I am ordering to ship into Brunei. Everything will purchase through Steam online to help me save the entire taxing fee problem.

How’s the game, you might asked. If you read the reviews and fans critics, yes, the game missions SUCK! I am so regret buying the DVD at PA. I should have brought Supreme Commander 2 instead, everything is too late now. I am quite a C&C fan but I didn’t expect the game becoming worst and worst every new release. The multiplayer mode is good for me but the single player campaign? Arggg…hate to say that I should rather pirate it because the games suck so badly no one really can imagine. If you thinking about buying this game, no and don’t buy until you sees 50-70% off. This EA game doesn’t worth US$49.90 at all in the first place.


  1. I also read a lot of negative reviews about the game so I thought I'd get the pirated copy instead to try things out. It has the worst solo campaign EVER!

  2. It was from the starts. I already notice the solo mission almost identical to RA3 but I didnt expect the guys still continue to make mistake.


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