03 December, 2007

I Won Again From Cooler Master!!!!

Do you remember I posted my first ever made MTV Guild Wars in-game video for Cooler Master Kode5 video contest? I can't believe I won for the Best Screenplay Award, just announce today! Wow...I think taking off on Monday, joining my cousin wedding was indeed a right choice! Oh my GOsh!!!! My stress is gone more than 60%! I am getting a present online for her wedding dinner on 15th this month, she definitely bring us a very good luck and I hope it will arrived!

Now! What the hell do you guys waiting for? Cooler Master is giving away more than $10,000 prizes and a trip to Moscow next year for free. Rules is simple, make your own creative video games and submit to the contest. If you can't, you can leave your comments for the submitted entries and get a chance to a random prizes draw for December. Remember, if you are good at video editing. Why not give it a try? But do remember to register CM membership before you submit your own video or joined any future contest. This contest is open for international!

I think I started to feel some evil hatreds from the CM forum for winning again. ^^;;;


  1. Congrats on winning again. There are still 2 months left, so we might just win again.

  2. Yeah, more members join. More challenging!


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