Alright people! Agloco, the online free money maker Viewbar is now available for download! I have been waited for so long for it until I visit the website to check out for latest update. The traffic entering to the website are totally jam! After the announcement of the Viewbar availability. I was so happy to get it download early from my member center and test it directly. You can check out the picture below how its look like! :roll:
My first impressions always think if the Viewbar might interrupt my view in the browser. You should know that everyone doesn't like advertisements and pop up! Well, after using it for few hours. It doesn't seems to annoyed me much and no pop up message did appear in front of me. At least for now, but if you doesn't like how it look in your desktop. You can always used the feature to hide it and continue to surf your website. They sure done a right thing! :smile: But do remember that you do also earn money using the search engine (Google, Yahoo etc) in the Viewbar too! Oh, I forgot to mention. It works for both Internet Explorer and Firefox browser! Nice! more thing before you guys joined Agloco. The program only allow you to surf for limited 5 hours per month, so don't expect you are going to earn lots of money through it. Think about your health too! :smile: Anyway, Agloco is another free 'Make Money Online' programs and its open for Worldwide! If you guys already joined, get it now from your member center.
For those who are new, Agloco is free to joined. Click Here if you haven't joined. It takes only few minutes to sign and download the Viewbar (2.2MB).
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