13 June, 2011

EACON Ticket now Available!

The upcoming E.A CON (Express Art Convention) event tickets are now available (last Saturday) for purchase at Chong Hock Toynation in Kiulap, Bandar. According to the blog, each cost B$15.00 and only 500 (plus gift bag) tickets available for purchase. I have no idea how am I suppose to get it while living in KB, not to mention they announced closing on yesterday (which I plan to go) and today too. Maybe I will try to asked one of my friend to get the ticket for me tomorrow if his not busy. Hopefully I am able to get one.

Of course, there are things I confused also and send question to both Eric and E.A CON inquire. None of them have any reply yet so I have to turn on over the BSB toy collectors for more information. Anyway, these are the silly questions I wanted to ask.
  • Is the ticket can be use for two days event? = YES! Do not lose the ticket!
  • Will there be any tickets available for purchase during the opening day (Sat & Sun)? = Pending for answer…
  • If I joined the Gundam (Cosplay, Drawing etc) competition, do I still need to purchase the E.A CON ticket? = Pending for answer…
Speaking of the Gundam competiton, yes I have decided to hop in IF I can get the answer above and ticket. Since my Gunpla is progressing into final revised, sanding and cleaning yesterday. So this week I will begin my next step on painting this weekend because I have to make sure the kits are fully dry.

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