21 June, 2011

The MMORPG Curse

Sorry for the absence not posting anything. Once I started playing online MMORPG games, there is no stopping on the time thinking writing a single blog post. Only today I am able to because my RF Online character stuck at level 50 which require doing unlocking quest and help from high level players. This past few days was no luck at all which also at the same time finding the quest ridiculous hard. So I decided to switch back Silkroad Online.

After playing for few hours, I find the graphic so suck and wasn’t impressed with updated system anymore. Again, I decided to looked for another alternative recent online game might interest me.R2 (Reign of Revolution) Online was the latest released in public and currently ongoing beta test. I was lucky enough to grab the free beta key from MMOBomb site. No worry, they still have over 1000 keys left up for grab. You just simply need to register a free account over there and follow the instruction how to activate the keys. I will start playing once I download the 2.60GB client file tomorrow.

17 June, 2011

EA CON 2011 Tickets Update

Good news and you guys who live far from capital like me can stop worrying about not able to get the tickets and visit during the events. Johnny from the Gundam division has response to my concern regarding the available tickets and competitions registration for EA CON event. But do remember that do not lose your ticket as it is for access two days.
Hello Tony,

Thank you for your enquiry.
  1. Well get back to you regarding the tickets quantity, at the moment is 500 tickets.
  2. Basically the B$15 ticket is registration fee for all. No more extra charges. You just need to submit your application to the right competition.
  3. Yes, there will be tickets available for purchase during the actual date.
Regarding your previous email, we strongly suggest you to ask your friend helping you to get the ticket. Hope that's help. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further enquiry.

EA Con 2011 - Gundam Division

15 June, 2011

Back on Rising Force MMO

I never expecting going back playing online game again. If it wasn’t because the next upcoming Starcraft II expansion rumors to release next year, I won’t be that boring watching anime and TV dramas. Another reason also my car loan is going to start next month on the 1st week so this is going to look bad for me. All financial shit needed to adjust and finding best ways to reduce my spending.

Actually the first planning is heading back to Silkroad online. Somehow, my character was messed up on the skills at 40 something as far I can remember back to 4-5 years now. It really suck have to play from the start if creating new character since leveling never easy on Silkroad game, not to mention killing more than 500+ monster just to get 50 quest items which is stupid and time consuming while the level limit already push to over 100. There are definitely a plenty of changes and update done to the game after all these years but the good thing were, lots of Brunei playing there. Still can’t confirm if they already move on with their life.

Nonetheless, I did made a right choice choosing RF Online game. I never expect my account is still also available for three years and allows transferring my character to any server. Met a lot of great players there and continue help me with the leveling. The only problem with the game so far are farming money, stupid quests and harder leveling after you reach 40. Everything needed help from higher level players and assist you on group quests. Luckily everything works well for me and start on right time.

Don’t think that I am going to get addicted to online game. I play because I got nothing to do at night, always sleep early and what’s the point wasting money paying the eSpeed service. I only go out meeting friends once or twice a week so I need to find something to kill the times.

13 June, 2011

EACON Ticket now Available!

The upcoming E.A CON (Express Art Convention) event tickets are now available (last Saturday) for purchase at Chong Hock Toynation in Kiulap, Bandar. According to the blog, each cost B$15.00 and only 500 (plus gift bag) tickets available for purchase. I have no idea how am I suppose to get it while living in KB, not to mention they announced closing on yesterday (which I plan to go) and today too. Maybe I will try to asked one of my friend to get the ticket for me tomorrow if his not busy. Hopefully I am able to get one.

Of course, there are things I confused also and send question to both Eric and E.A CON inquire. None of them have any reply yet so I have to turn on over the BSB toy collectors for more information. Anyway, these are the silly questions I wanted to ask.
  • Is the ticket can be use for two days event? = YES! Do not lose the ticket!
  • Will there be any tickets available for purchase during the opening day (Sat & Sun)? = Pending for answer…
  • If I joined the Gundam (Cosplay, Drawing etc) competition, do I still need to purchase the E.A CON ticket? = Pending for answer…
Speaking of the Gundam competiton, yes I have decided to hop in IF I can get the answer above and ticket. Since my Gunpla is progressing into final revised, sanding and cleaning yesterday. So this week I will begin my next step on painting this weekend because I have to make sure the kits are fully dry.

06 June, 2011

Gunpla – Gundam Competition Work-In-Progress 2

Another change has been done to the Gunpla yesterday. This time I had done many numerous changes by destroying most of the parts after trying to mix them. Sad to see that happen but it’s worth the risk and luckily turn out to be a good one compare to the previous version I built.

Right now, the trickiest parts are choosing a right weapon. I have many Kotobukiya and exclusive magazine weapons lying around. But somehow most of them don’t fit into the current categories. Not until I find 1/144 HG GN Sword IV and browse through the magazine again for further tips. The reason I choose this one because it can use better on independent Gunpla kits like how Beginner Gundam done in Gunpla Love.

Hopefully by this week I can start doing the painting. Man, I really wish to have more time but well one week at a time really suck so probably I might sacrifice some of the hours on Saturday until the work is complete.

05 June, 2011

Gunpla - GX AXXXX FXXX 2 Work-In-Progress

Both the whole Gunpla kits mixing and final revising has been done which took me two days working on that. I decided to approach the method after the inspiration work from every Hobby Japan Gunpla Love. Still, I feel there are lacks of something or missing in the idea. Originally, I did plan on working AOZ GM Wagtail. Damn that one is simply a bit too hard for me when it comes to painting and modding.
Well, I won’t be revealing any of my work and title before the deadline submission. Whether or not I can finish painting the kit is another question right now. I already prepare almost everything even the display action base. The only problem left are figuring out which color is the best for it. That was challenging moment and requires more time solving.

02 June, 2011

Renderform – Security Chief Upgrade Review

This is the latest released RF-004 Security Chief upgrade kit for Transformers Red Alert for April. Due to the delay shipping, I just received last month. I’m not sure if most of you familiar with Renderform. But he became well known after the surprised released RF-002 Empyrean Espionage upgrade for Universe SkyFall, a redeco Universe Ultra version of Silverbolt in Canada.

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