I am working on my second video this time and hopefully able to be done by tonight when I get home from work. I haven't seen my first video posted in Kode5 contest yet, not sure why and they didn't inform me if that is not approved or not. Anyway, currently working on a MTV version of Guild Wars called 'Guildy Martin'. I think possibly this will be my last video to submit to the contest or maybe I will plan another one next month. It sure wasted a lot of time planning on this video editing but anyway, hope it work out on the end.
I never thought registering Brunei Citizenship examination are fucking inconvenient. Worst, I don't see local bloggers write about it either in the web search telling us how and what to bring. So to make this easy, I decided to write the guide for my future reference and hopefully able to help you fellow PR. Update #2 (2023) - Proofreading, correction and added information for letter change of phone no. and home address. Update 1# (2013) - Added ICI travel document copies requirement. For those already graduated or are good at Bahasa Melayu, I strongly encourage you who are 18 years old onward to take the examination early if you intend to continue to stay in Brunei. Do not worry about wasting your time, you are young and can enjoy life. There are only two meetings and one exam, that’s it. Take the opportunity since you have the higher chance of getting citizenship.