17 November, 2007

Google Analytics - You Definitely Want It!

Google Analytics is really a great stat site for monitoring your site and blogs, not to mention it’s free to join. The overview reports generate by Google are almost amazing, which is the reasons why many popular bloggers and commercial websites are using today. That’s why you no longer see my Statcounter in my blog anymore, if you are return visitors. Keeping track on who visiting my blog also keep me interested too and also able to find out where my readers comes from. Well, most of them are from Brunei, my country of course. The second largest is from Malaysia and the third from USA. Total 29 countries readers have visited my blog in one month after I insert the code on 15th October, last month.

I am really happy with the results, but, NOT REALLY!!! Visitor’s numbers doesn’t really mean something I have to admit it. After I had done a little case study over the reports, I was wrong about my way of thinking. No matter how big is your counter listed there, it just a useless numbers anyway. The most important result what I am really looking is how long they stay on my blog. That’s the real answers for who are really reading your posts. However, still it’s not quite that bad. At least there are 32 visitors who have stay on my blog for more than 3 minutes. Out of 229 visitors run away within less than 10 second.

The answer is quite clear for me though. Never look at the number of visitors in your stat if you insert counter stats. Those numbers meant nothing at all. I have been blind with the numbers for quite long after I started website and blog in year 1999. I always thought if my numbers is large it will prove that my site is quite popular. Other reason affect these results might also not use your own domain name to run your own site or blog. If I used it, maybe the results would definitely different. However, I am glad to have these great analytics insert into my blog. Thanks for another free online stats tool from you. Google!

**New link added to blogroll, Gossip Babes! Please drop me a message if you link me! So that I can gives you guys a link back without going through Google to check my visitors! Thank!

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