I believe the majority of you have already gotten a call from immigration to go for the briefing and are ready for receiving a certificate for Brunei Citizenship. Congratulation again to those going this week.
The information I am aware of is currently still in progress processing and speeding up to clear out the batches who passed in the year 2012. If you still haven’t received any call yet, my suggestion here is DO NOT IGNORE the local landline call. There have been numerous complaints against immigration that they did not make any phone calls. I understand that not every one of us knows the exact office phone number and afraid that it might be a scam call. My suggestion here is if you see the local phone number on your cell phone. Just pick it up because you might score your golden ticket.
I am expecting our results for the year 2013 batches should be very soon. It is interesting to see how we handle our emotional damage when receiving a phone call notifying you failed the exam and good luck reapplying again for the next examination.😑
I never thought registering Brunei Citizenship examination are fucking inconvenient. Worst, I don't see local bloggers write about it either in the web search telling us how and what to bring. So to make this easy, I decided to write the guide for my future reference and hopefully able to help you fellow PR. Update #2 (2023) - Proofreading, correction and added information for letter change of phone no. and home address. Update 1# (2013) - Added ICI travel document copies requirement. For those already graduated or are good at Bahasa Melayu, I strongly encourage you who are 18 years old onward to take the examination early if you intend to continue to stay in Brunei. Do not worry about wasting your time, you are young and can enjoy life. There are only two meetings and one exam, that’s it. Take the opportunity since you have the higher chance of getting citizenship.
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