Finding missing volumes in your ongoing favorite manga collections are quite risky especially if you plan to sell your Manga off in the future. Buyers expect complete volumes with same publication and languages. To be honest, I don’t even know selling off the books is possible since I collect Chinese instead English translate version. No matter, my current ongoing missing volumes are Shingeki no Kyojin, Arslan Senki , Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt and MSV-R The Return of Johnny Raiden.
Chinese translate Manga are hardly available in Brunei shops so I have turn to online book stores to get them which I usually buy from YesAsia almost every months. However, their available stocks and release update system in the comic section starting to piss me off. I do not know if there are listing bugs on both Hong Kong and Taiwan version quick link categories. Most of the latest didn’t shows up any in the search results which fool me thinking the Manga haven’t release yet. After month and another month again, I started growing suspicious finding the page showing the same results. Instead using quick links, I use normal search to find the title one by one. What do you know? It was already translated, released and out of stock!
Another issue with YesAsia is, don’t expect to wait for possible restock. I subscribe their notify email and hardly received any words about restocking from publishers. The only hopes are start off searching for other online sources carry Chinese translate manga. Books Kinokuniya is a good place to start. I actually didn’t know they provide online orders and shipping to Brunei. After knowing that, I immediately order all the missing volumes.
It was really a close call. If I continue to wait, for sure all my current collections will be all for nothing and weird slapping English translate version together. Not only that, I just realize the manga sold at Books Kinokuniya are much more affordable rate. Sure, YesAsia offer free international shipping for purchase above US$39.00 (no tracking). But I feel safer ordering from Singapore that comes with tracking and an hour flight to Brunei.
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