10 January, 2016

Toy Collectors Slowly Target by Thieves?

Have you ever worry and question about this issue? I did and somewhat happening. My modeling beat up dirty toolbox just got snatched for no reason and not even single things you can say its valuable. It really caught me off guard seeing my Gunpla cabinet gets open this morning. Hard to say if this any related to drug abuse thieves wanted to find thinner to sniff. Geez....Why my toolbox?
Looking at how the thieves' behavior searching my cabinet in our home front entrance (inside). He/she knew what they trying to look for. The toolbox inside contain, the sand papers, filers, cutter, brass rod, thinner, cement or whatever I can remember. This stuffs already cost me between BND60-70.00+. Luckily I separate the most of the tools into different storage boxes earlier to prevent minimum losses. Now I have to guess when the thieves might going struck our house again and this is worrying what we might lost next.

No doubt the toy collections are already popular these days especially when we looking at mint in seal box (MSIB) that worth more than a hundred to a thousand in the market. If the thieves are smart and starting to realize, probably they are going to after it in the future. Seems like I have to invest security tech for home soon.

06 January, 2016

My 2016 Resolution

When my friends talk about what is our New Year resolution plan during outing, mine is all about saving and time to completely slow down buying new toys. I had to admit my room is getting smaller stashing all the Gunpla and Lego which is getting more problematic. There are plans to sort this out but my trip to Hua Ho department store getting storage rack was cancel due to huge spending during holiday (last year) so got to on hold for a while see till next month. The Transformers still have some room, but I’m trying some luck to get rid few of them and stay off buying using USD for the mean time.
Right now, finding way to lock out my saving is the top priority. It just in Brunei, there are hardly a safe way financing a saving and of course only small returns. But if you are low income person, jump into non-risk free plan is like committing suicide because we always think earning big buck fast way. So better be safe than sorry and I already learned hard lesson losing unnecessary saving on risk investment.
Let’s hope the best for all new 2016.

Gunpla Works - Gundam Aeolus

Old work from last year, nothing much to explain since I am doing some experiments on colors and mixed with left over parts. I quite liking the results.

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