DPS (Demerit Points System) trial announced coming on May this year for Belait district. No one knows where they plan to installed this hardware's at. But you guys better start learning driving slowly not exceeding speed limit. There aren't any single bonus 1 or 2 KM/H so this is a bit challenging for most of our behaviors changes especially without cruise control support in some older cars. I get this information from the officers when they hand out the handbook during the safety check last two weeks ago in Anduki industrial area. I spend some times reading it and did find some questionable rules that doesn't make sense to me. For example, crossing lines and other markings on carriageways are stated as offense. Now, when our roads conditions in Brunei never well maintains, fuckup and holes around that would put us in danger. We have to force to cross the lines to avoid self accident. Are we going to get offense ticket or minus DP? Another one, failure to stop when acciden...
Old style and boring blog who write bad English...