If you want to get Bandai HG Customize Parts campaign stuffs, look no further only Hobby Link Japan happen to have this promotion that offer to international customers. The third campaign finally started on August 17th. Nope I didn't manage to get any damn single out of it. You see this happen when these customize parts ran out before they packed mine. Yes, disappointed to know. But what pissed me off HLJ actually already started offering on August 8th even the graphic logo listed the exact date and put up on 17th! What the fuck? I really lost of words and find this very upset they kept this promotion quiet while making majority waiting and browsed for the news everyday wondering the third campaign going to happen or not. Not only it pissed me off and began to question why 17th? They said because it was traditional Obon holiday (three days) and the announcement was delay. I call that bullshit excuses and the fuck we subscribe newsletter service for? Traditional Obon holiday cele...
Old style and boring blog who write bad English...